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Joinville, SC, Brasil
Visit our stand B 410 at Interplast

Joinville, the largest and most industrialized city in the state is considered the engine of Santa Catarina's economy, and the plastic market is among the main state activities. In addition to the large industries, Joinville also invests on innovation and Interplast, which will take place from August 14 to 17 at Expoville - Joinville, is an excellent opportunity to know more about the latest developments in the plastics industry sector.

At the stand B-410, Piovan will showcase its complete product range of solutions for materials handling including Quantum, the dosing unit for injection molding applications, MDP the volumetric dosing unit and the compressed air dryer of the DPA series. As for the temperature control is concerned, on display there will be one model of the TMW series, specifically designed for the needs of the Brazilian market.

Aquatech, the brand of the PiovanGroup dedicated to the industrial cooling, will be present with the new line of compact high-efficient portable chillers named Slim.


Come visit us at Interplast, stand B 410.
